How to Get the Money You Need for Black Friday Shopping

If your credit is in reasonable shape, you may receive some particularly good credit card offers as the holiday season approaches. Be mindful that the best way to use these offers is to lower your interest rate and/or consolidate your debt. It is best not to ADD debt because of a credit card offer. However, you do want to get the most savings you can when doing holiday shopping, and many people use credit cards for at least part of their purchases.

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Do Payday Loans Without a Credit Check Exist?

The number one complaint about payday loans is their high cost. Many times, the APR of the loan is highlighted. But this is the wrong way to look at these truly short term loans. They are fee-based loans, and the fees can be high. Why? Because the lender's risk is remarkably high, and those seeking these loans have poor credit, to begin with. 

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How Can You Get a Bad Credit Loan in a Financial Emergency?

They are safe to apply for and easy to do. Some critics believe the high fees associated with these loans should stop you from considering one. However, most people with bad credit have no other options and have already tried other ways to get the cash they need in an emergency. The high fees may actually be less than utility setups, redeposit, and start-up fees or high bank NSF fees if you are trying to cover some checks you issued. 

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